230 year old shipwreck found off the coast...

Wow that’s a really cool thing to read about. I like hearing about discoveries like this. Hopefully there will be more info to come.

Paulo, Erie is way shallow, some spots in the center are only like 30 ft deep.

On another note, I went snorkaling down in mexico around a sunken ship…that shit creeps me out

thats crazy that a ship that old is in such good shape…

i wish i could do this kind of thing, but i would want to explore them myself, not with a robot heh


There’s a half sunken barge near Sherkston that I’ve snorkled that was pretty cool.

The problem is most of the ones that are shallow enough to dive with just a snorkel get destroyed in no time by the wind and the waves.

I’m sorry I don’t get it. I never saw cloverfield.

Big monster comes out off the ocean and wrecks Manhattan.

I would have never thought Ontario was so deep.

That is so bad ass.

Makes my barge hunting in Lake Erie seem so boring. :frowning:

Pardon my ignorance but how deep have any of you guys scuba dived? Can you safely go that deep with equipment you can buy around here, or do you need really specialized stuff? How cold would the water be down there? I’d imagine it would be sub-40. I think it would be cool as hell to check it out if it were possible.

I did it quite a bit in Cozumel. My dad was an instructor for a long time and I picked it up for fun on vacations and got certified.

Max depth for a recreational diver is only like 100-130 feet by certification agencies. Beyond that you need to really know what you are doing since there is more risks and also need different mixtures the further down you go because after like 300 feet oxygen becomes toxic.

Even people who do a lot of recreational diving are smarter to go into wrecks. Its very dangerous and takes a lot of skill and planning to go into them.

They make some pretty cool stuff out of timbers that have been at the bottom of the great lakes for a loooong time.

Also: Ontrio is much deeper which makes it more calm/stable and better for sailing.

That thing is more preserved than the titanic, and its over 100 years older. cool shit

I am still amazed lake seneca is 618 ft deep.

and is made out of wood. (i think)

here is what I found while swimming. :lol:

Not a Ship, but cool as well.



Hence why lake erie freezes and ontario doesn’t.

Also it doesn’t surprise me that we don’t have a clue whats in our lakes being as they are no radar can penetrate that. Then there is the thermocline ugh… i wonder where it is on lake ontario. I could only imagine trying to dive to 300 ft and dealing with 200 feet of bullshit

Freshwater vs. Saltwater
Like the article said, wood stays very well preserved in deep freshwater due to the lack of O2.

1780? Safe bet.

Ooooooooo I just realized it sunk on Halloween. Spooooookieeeeee.:ohnoes:

I miss scuba diving. I’ll have to look into spots around here that may be interesting. I certainly didn’t know there was so much to look at in lake ontario and lake erie. I knew about some stuff up near the st. Lawrence.

Maybe it will bring some good attention to rochester instead of murder stats.