240 at Tall Pines

Was this anyone from here?

Love the Subaru window decal

Haven’t gotten the results yet


None of the results I can find list cars, just driver names.

Weird seeing Tall Pines without snow.

Subaru is a title sponsor.

The driver and co-driver are Martin Wheeler and Ken Lagarec

They frequent NEO on a regular basis.

Beat me too it…

Nice guys…

yeah if you go to neo240sx.ca and in hte event section youll see a bunch of pictures and such about the event. they had a little mishap and rolled the car in one of the stages… just glad to hear that they both walked out of the car !

cool stuff, i remember MRWmotorsports told me he does rally as well


yep, funny thing is it has a history of being in cars that crash, read it up on neo.

the MRW in MRWmotorsports = Martin (R.?) Wheeler

the MRW in MRWmotorsports = Martin (R.?) Wheeler[/quote]

haha awsome, now a part of my clip is in his car too! he bought some parts off me

the MRW in MRWmotorsports = Martin (R.?) Wheeler[/quote]

Martin R. Walter… close Mike :slight_smile:

the MRW in MRWmotorsports = Martin (R.?) Wheeler[/quote]

haha awsome, now a part of my clip is in his car too! he bought some parts off me[/quote]

Sorry t o dissapoint but the door post isn’t in this one, it’s in another white hatch that will be my new street ar if I ever get it done.

Lots of other parst from SON people in this one though…


Goddammit. :oops:

I messed it up with Dave’s name I think. And that was right after looking at the nametag on the 1/4 window, too!