Paging Andy (Iquabob), Gautam (Gonad) & Bing

I am putting together a huge show component at the event - I am looking to round up the top cars from SON/NEO240 and get them on display to rep the club and get vendors deep discounts as well. GTRCanada is onboard and we are looking at 50-60 cars showing up from as far away as Vancouver.

Andy isn’t around much, G is just webmaster… but Bing can probably help you out.

We don’t have a person in charge of promotions as of yet, but hopefully that will change soon. I am sure Bing can work something out for you in terms of a banner or a sticky until the show, that’s probably the best way to promote it here. I’m sure lots of people would like to showcase their cars, especially at an event like the Molson Indy.

You can conact me or Nismo (Alex) regarding advertising it on NEO.

Cool, I’ll get on that deal with Bing.

Did we meet at Drift Mania in Sept '05? and Alex is from the Ottawa area too?

I’ll PM you some of the details and then you can introduce the package to the club.


I don’t think so. The only event we attended as a club was DX1 back in 2003. Alex is also from the Ottawa area, he and I are the admins for NEO.