240sx at niagara college

is there any one on this board that goes to niagara college and drives a 240? i was just wondering if there is anyone esle?

jesse and justin do, glendale campus

ok is that the red 90 with rota rims and the white 91+ with red rims on it? i think i’ve seen those two. i am also at glendale campus

yeah mines the beat white one

I’m at the Welland Campus and i’ve seen a black and a white one before in the big parking lot of of first ave. but I dont park there so I havent seen them again.

not bad i was going to say something to you the one day but i didn’t. i drive the black 92 that was there the first couple of months but not now, since the snow is here. your car looks pretty sick and the red one looked nice too.

red one belongs to one of my best friends… his is sr mine is kat. I have a gold sr coupe that will be on the road in a few weeks

ka-t sick. mines waiting for the sr swap over the winter. what program are you in?

i go to the welland campus also, in the summer i saw this white (i THINK it was white or grey) 240sx there parked in the same place everytime, its parked not in the big lot but the one for rez by the beach vball courts