ok ladies. I have seen 4 240sx at the welland campus (red s13 hatch/ white s14 (CLEAN AS FUCK) / some bodykitted hatch/ some white s13 hatch(only seen from far away but might have type x front bumper. and thats not inluding my white s13 coupe. so i think we should have a meet… i hope someone is on here from campus because the kid i talked to in the red s13 didnt no the difference from a 240sx and a geo metro except leg room. so if you guys are down… i live right across from the school so lets set a place and time.
lol is that white CLEAN AS FUCK s14 always parked down by where the construction is going on??
thats mine lol.
yeye bro, i think u no my buddy jake… he pointed you out and said he knew you. clean fucking s14 … i got the 2 s13 coupes parked across the street from res on the firrst house on the corner
lol thanks man. i think ive seen you. you have a white cscs sticker on the drivers side?
i was working with besselling mechanical doing my pipefitters apprenticeship. however i just got laid off 3 weeks ago. so im not in welland too much anymore, let alone the campus.
i dunno if its still there maybe the guy put it away for winter, but when i kept seeing a black 350z, nicelly lowered with some rota p45rs also black. parked up at the top parking lot, you access it off woodlawn. keep an eye out for that thing man its MINT.
yeah i have seen it, too mint for me lmao … yeah i got the white coupe with the cscs sticker… there are a couple more s13’s in welland campus… i talked to one guy with a red s13 hatch but fuck his head was in the clouds as to what kind of car he actually had.
lol is that the guy with the cheap red bucket seat?