

I’m pretty new to the forum bought some stuff but now I’m interested in a change of car.

I’m currently driving a 2003 Sentra SE-R Spec-V with 195,XXX km’s. I would like to trade plus cash for a 240. My car is worth (according to KIJIJI) approx. $3000 - $5000. I have a couple grand to through on top as well. If anyone is interested let me know. The only requirement is manual transmission.

My car:
The motor is a QR25 with 175hp/180tq crank.
6 speed transmission with LSD
Rockford Fosgate 300-watt nine-speaker audio system with sub
Stock tuned suspension (lower and stiffer springs and strut brace)
4-1 Header (necessary due to pre-cat failure)
SRI with K&N filter
New alternator last year
Brakes last year
Resonator two years ago
Comes with 2 sets of wheels
Stock Spec wheels
OZ 15" off Lancer Ralliart with new winters last year
Maintenance is done regularly and done on time.

If you would like pictures on demand text me 90FIVE - NINE54 - FIVE0FIVE8.
If I am missing anything let me know.[ATTACH=CONFIG]23035[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]23034[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]23036[/ATTACH]

Regards, Cameron

I’d give you like 2 grand for that car. Kijiji told me my jeep was worth upwards of 5 grand, same with black book. Sold it for 1200.

Cool story bro.

If your hear to stir up shit I’m not interested. I never said a set price I needed a base to set off of. I’m looking to buy/trade for a 240 that’s it that’s all.

your gonna have better luck just strait up selling it and searching the forum when you got the dough…
GLWS/Trade?? lol

Not hear to stir shit up guy, just letting you know through my experience. I know you’re looking for a trade, but Randy’s got a point. You’ll prob end up getting more if you just straight up sell it and buy one for cash instead of looking for a trade. Just saying, don’t get all rattled if no one with a 240 worth 3000 - 4000 doesn’t contact you, then a guy with one worth 1000 contacts you, and that’s all you get becasue you’re dead set on high expectations.

No disrespect brudda, just tryna be a pal. :slight_smile:

They’re speaking the truth. Take off all the nice parts from the sentra and sell the sentra for like $1500-2000. Sell or keep the good parts and spend $3000 on a 240 and your set.

Yeah thanks for the advise.

It’s hard to tell sarcasm or assholeism through text. I’m ready to drop around 2 g’s right now. The issue is I can’t be down a car nor do I have space for two. I’m hoping to get around 2-3 for the Spec. It’s too bad because I love this car… It’s just wrong wheel drive.

You can get 3k for that easy, spec V are great commuter cars. They still regularly go for 3k+.