
240xcsv, why are you such an assclown? Make a build thread, or kill yo self.


You guys don’t want to see his build thread… It’s just pages and pages of him rambling even worse than he does in other people’s threads… There’s one on Fresh Alloy.

Ahmed has an ability to make any short story long.

XenoVibe - I lol’d. Not many people still remember the McDonalds rap :smiley:

what were we talkin about again ???

I dunno something about Assmad being gay.



burgers… drool



This is old shit…just let him be. Ahmed is like that old grumpy guy that no one likes on their street…but just let him be till he naturally goes.

Ahmed, you should just focus on being nice if you want to stay on SON. It takes a bigger man to not retaliate.

Hell, I’m supposed to be the most hated guy on SON…but you’re taking my crown.

The thing though is Mark, we have rules here. To allow one person to continuously violate them, and behave in a disrespectful manner toward everyone is just not acceptable. We’re not in kindergarten here. There are consequences for every action you take, and we can’t allow him to continue to evade those consequences.

Yeah but he will keep coming back.

Look at (Tim) Average Player aka Multisynclg for example.

He was banned a few times I believe. He was pretty hated for hitting Sasha’s trailer, buying from members and selling to other members for a lot more. Trying to sell stuff that he didn’t own yet, etc

Anyways, it seems like he has “learned” his lesson and I don’t think many people have issues with him anymore.

But for him, I think it was more of a “business” decision because he sells most of his stuff on SON.

Ahmed on the other hand is not here to profit on newbs but he can be very annoying. I don’t even think he cares if he gets banned because he will just come back with a different username. Trust me, I’ve exposed Ahmed multiple times in the past…I’ve done my fair share but I’ve moved on.

I was young & dumb
& puse likes his beers
it was both parties fault, No one was doing anything legal that night.

I’m glad to see mark has finally moved onto REAL friends instead of living on the internet
btw if anyone doesnt like mark and they are tired of his cheap shots , just go find a picture of him and his girlfriend… thats bad enough

mark your cool for exposing people
(7000 posts in 5 years, you must have that new wireless rogers stick where you can go on your computer ANYWHERE )

Sounds like you’re older but still dumb.

I may be dumb,
but youre still UGLY.

Shouldn’t you have graduated from high school by now?

edit: too offensive

Mark, I’m just tired of you bitching at everyone else that doesn’t have as much free time as you

I’d like to apologize on behalf of everyone who doesn’t have enough time to watch every video & read every post & research everything thats available on the internet!

We all can’t be as internet cool as you.

^^^^^^^^^ ???

wtf is that all about



back on topic.

ahmeds dad used to be a bi sexual

I know, but that doesn’t mean we should stop banning him. If he does a good job of hiding himself, that means that he’s changed, and then you know what… good for him! But while he’s still the same poor excuse for a human being, and while we KNOW what his username is, he should be banned, and banned again, till he learns his lesson, and behaves like a mature individual, or stops re-registering.

Right now, we’re sending him the message that what he’s doing is acceptable, and that he should keep doing it.