

I didn’t have beef with you till now. ^^^
if you called him and its settled then why come on here and still trash talk? you sir are a e thug.
stop talking shit and don’t laugh at your own shit. nothing you said was funny.
STFU and leave it alone.

EDIT:LMAO seriously who laughs at there own shit.

everyone just needs to smoke a blunt and realize, hey its the internet fuck this and go get drunk and eat some chicken fingers

my .02

Skinny: First off, I was laughing at hamburgers( STOP ASSUMING )
second off , your saying you have beef with me like I care or like I know who you are…
you dont know anything about this situation
Everything was settled, yet every year mark would let out a few comments regarding me, Therefore, he unsettled things.

take your own advice skinny

cheese burgers are better.
but serious leave it be till that times comes.
I probably shouldve worded beef differently.
i shouldve said by you doing that. i lost all respect i never had of you!

that car looks like a tank!! deathrace tofordee!!! bwahahahaha

Yeah I’m sure you said it exactly like that. Telling me to shut my mouth? And I just went ok? lol

I don’t supply a service? Work goes into organizing track days for people. How is organizing a day at dunnville any different from TMP or Shannonville? You’re stupid.

I’ll let Solarian judge on whether the money I made was legit or not. And I wasn’t making $5000 every track day. I even lost some money from some days. Like everything in life…there’s always risks.

I also love how you took pictures of all the steering wheels at japan direct and posted it for sale on Zilvia. Same with coilovers. Best thing about it was that you didn’t even OWN those items yet. You’re a fucking scumbag for doing something like that.

The way you make your money is just from buying low from someone here and then quickly selling it for more. It’s not like you went out and sourced the product from another country. The people you buy your products from are all on SON. And then you sell it back for more money on SON. What you do does NOTHING at all for the community. It just shows how fucking greedy you are and you’re taking advantage of SON.

The only effort you put in is picking up the product if anything. You’re someone that people can do without. It’s like buying shit that’s really cheap from a Metro and then trying to sell it for more money right outside the Metro entrance. Just fuck off.

Yeah and if track days were so damn easy…tons of other people would be doing it.

Stop being jealous and get a real job.

I’m sorry but you will have to live with the consequences due to your greediness and fuck ups in the past.

Oh man, why has this thread strayed so much from the original purpose? Weren’t we all gonna get together and give Ahmed the boot?

On the topic of track days though, I’ve heard a lot of people talk shit about how Mark and John were making mad money off of these track days. All things considered, I HIGHLY doubt that. Renting a track isn’t cheap, and the fact of the matter is, you’re putting your name on the line as a debtor. It’s the same shit as when people go clubbing and get a booth. When I write MY name down and give MY credit card, you’re damn sure I’m overbooking that booth. People by nature are flakes, and if cash comes up short, I have to pay out of my own pocket.
Same thing with the track, only with bigger amounts. Would any sane individual run a track day that just barely breaks even? No, because even if they don’t want any profit, there’s a very good chance that people will FLAKE and you will end up paying out of your own pocket for them. Plus, organizing shit is a nightmare, there’s a ton of work to do, and everytime, you stake your rep on the line. If you’re running track days, and you realize that you’ll run a loss on one of them, and CANCEL the day, your rep goes down the toilet. So sometimes, yea, you’ll even have to take a hit. It’s risky shit, and yes, you’re doing work, so yes you should see some profit out of it. Even though, as I said, I’ve looked into it, and it really can’t be that much.

As for Tim, yea, he did some shit in his day, was banned, and as a result of all that he has the rep he has now. However, to the best of my knowledge, he no longer does this.

Ahmed on the other hand (you know, 240xcsv, the person I’ve been talking about this whole time) NEVER learns from his mistakes. He never learns from people flaming him, he never learns from getting banned. He is still the same toolbag he was… however the fuck long ago he registered here. And I know it was awhile back, because Andrew and I still had our S13s back then. He hasn’t learn, so let’s try teaching him again :slight_smile: Give that boy a banner.

wow, it so big


Haha, yea, that’s about accurate for my experience in Korea, only I’m a bit more fit than that guy, and I don’t wear a cowboy hat during it. But maybe I should… maybe I should…

Anyone else think amhed is starting to go back to himself again? Pushing this views upon people, UAE this, UAE that, and talking bad about one of the most delicious animals of all time.
He hasn’t changed

a_ahmed = 240xcsv (ahmed) or are they different people.

same person

no one else agree?

man, that guy will never change regardless. for me, it’s become a lot easier reading his posts ever since i started to ‘pity the fool’ haha. i actually look forward to him posting in the network sections now in hopes that drama happens with the dudes down south but seems like bing or whoever probably won’t let that happen.

anyway, yeah the bacon thing was uncalled for, but i won’t really say anything unless he starts preaching his nonsensical anti-drift pro-grip technical BS. the one thing that amazes me about the guy is how he’s able to find all these random ass pics of the most retarded shit ever. but yeah, i agree with you Skinny but i don’t think it’s gotten really bad as of late…maybe just building again…

^^^Right!!! how does he find a new image every time, I thought I was tripping or something,
I give him props on the pictures