
I’m too lazy to quote you for where you were trying to defend yourself when I called your car a piece of shit from a sewer (only in retaliation for insulting mine over and over again, really strange you feel proud of that paint job… at least i have a real paintjob with real car paint albeit currently in a very abused state).

You’re the man, keep it up…

Wait, you figured sarcasm out? so why am I still in your sig?

You’re progressing, dog!

i personally think boosted s13 hatch or whatever his name is should be banned, he dumb. and is trying to say that paying more than 300 for a 240 that isn’t clean is a joke.
he is also saying “my jdm honda yo had 625hp and it was so sweet…etc.”

there are worse people…

Look, Mark doesn’t need to explain or have a reason to love his paint.

If you know Mark, then you understand. His shit is the bomb no matter what he does to it.

Scumbag for life…

In the last day and a half Ahmed has made great leaps and bounds in his posting. I appreciate this, and am willing to respect his opinion when he makes it, if he can continue to present himself like this. I just felt that I should mention that publicly.

you two should totally hookup


How do I pick fights? Look through all my posts if you want and prove it… You’re full of shit.

Why would I pick fights? We’re not in high school anymore dude…even if you kick someone’s ass, you’ll still look like an idiot.

People that hate me take things too seriously on the internet. They are the same kids that freak out and get violent when they get their asses kicked in a video game.

I’m sorry that no one really cares about you. Stop trying to gain attention. Be happy that I’m replying to your post.

When are we going to hookup again?

Oh so i understand now. Its everybody else who has a problem not you. How do you pick fights with people? Well for one you kept on calling me an idiot for no reason on random posts, Second you bring up random old facts about people that they would like to be forgotten.

Would it have hurt you to shut the fuck up and not mention what Tim did in the past? Would it have made you not sleep better at night just to state what we know and choose not to repeat out of RESPECT for a fellow member of this Group?

Trust me if I end up kicking your ass, probably wont happen as you always dodge fights and tell tell your friends “I only fight to defend my family” to save fave, Im not going to look like an idiot when your on the ground twitching like the cockroach you are.

Im sorry about what happened to you from grades 1-12. Kids could be so cruel. Just because they made fun of you, beat you up, made you dress like a girl, sodomized you in the janitors closet, picked you last in everything, got rejected by Every girl you went for(even your own cousin), made you do nasty and sinful things with your glasses, and never even learned your real name it dosent mean you have lash out at me. Go to your local psychiatrist and work on some issues. If all fails just kill your self. I will personally engrave your headstone with the word OLD.

me and Ahmed have gave up the fight.

and LMAO at farmer!!!

^^^^we should totally hook up^^^


^^you buying?^^
I like steak and beer. lotz of both.

i forgot wings too.

Tj’s hanger if your willing to settle for cheap pitchers and wings!

I’m sorry, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Ahmed is attacked with reason, for the past transgressions that he’s committed.
He’s not mature in the least, and I’m not sure what could’ve possibly given you that impression. His scope on an S-chassis is wider than the deuce I took this morning, but definitely not more than most people on here. Ahmed regurgitates what he sees on other forums, because he’s obsessed with internet big dicking. He’s about as far from being a decent human being as possible.

And why would I respect Tim? He has always been pissed because of the past and then somehow when I met him in person because he wanted to come to my track days, he even asked for a discount. And I gave him a break even though I shouldn’t. I gave him information on the track days and he used that to try to sabotage my track days. Every chance he got, him and Mikey would tell the world that I made thousands of dollars every track day in hopes that no one would wanna come or something. It goes to show what a bunch of rats they are.

He also could have easily tried to fight me when I saw him in person but then he acted all buddy buddy.

Wow here comes the E-Thug. Like I said, you’re a nobody and it’s not worth anything to me to fight you. What do I get out of it? You obviously have a lot more to gain because you might get more attention on SON.

Like DJPyro mentioned about someone else; You’re kinda like that fat kid that no one likes that tries to hang with the cool group of kids. But then you try too hard to steal the limelight every chance you get to speak. Know your role and go away dude.

If I recall correctly, aren’t you supposed to be like 24 or 25? You sure act like you’re still in grade school. I really feel sorry for you. And you don’t even personally know me yet you’re trying to start shit with me.

I’m smiling while I’m writing this because I can tell that I have definitely gotten to you and you will always have a grudge against me. :wink:

you guys prolly shouldnt hook up, i dont see a love connection here


this thread is intense, best 30 min of my life. gone from ahmed, to hamburgers, to kayne disses, to fobwall insults, to gay jokes, to solarian hiring an assassin, to fobwall vs r32

Drama at its best :wink:

I could go for some hamburgers, or a ban on Ahmed, whatever works :smiley:

mark, i called you on the phone and told you to stop talking shit or I would do something to make you shut your mouth
you agreed and said ok

I never tried sabotaging your track days
you tried calling me out on making money some how like you always do because your an INTERNET LOSER ( not an internet thug )
so then I tried calling you out on making money off people to modify your car ( which you clearly do ) obviously im gunna ask for a discount , just because these other guys are too stupid to do so isnt my fault
if they want you to make more money off them, by all means, take there money.

You dont supply a service to ANYONE
you make money off EVERYONE.
do track days somewhere else, where the track isnt cheap as sneakers, where you dont make tons of profit, where you actually do favors for the people of son!

We all know how much dunnville cost to rent
and you were clearly making easy money

the only thing that bothers me mark, and it REALLY does bother me,
is how ugly you are, thats it