24hrs up

Whats the longest you guys ever stayed up till? I once had a 7pm-7am shift then went home showed and went to class 9am-5pm then worked again 7pm- 1am I was freakin paranoid on the way home, thought i was listening to the radio:S wonder what long term effect this has on us?

ive had to say up 3 days once sucked.

5 days, 30 min naps, sleep deprevation training for reserves

8 days. When I was younger I had fallen ill and me being smart convinced myself because I was sick if I fell asleep I would die. At the end i threw up constantly and felt my body almost shutting down i could not lift my arms and just passed out and slept for a whole day only woke up to eat then back to sleep

12 days in ibiza. after that i was hospitalized. too much partE. i was seeing mickey mouse and whinney the pooh for days. the lights were all heart shaped. every time i moved my eyes there was after images. felt like i was in the movie and then i just ODd. so i was rushed to the hospital.

7 days in highschool lol

48 hours then went to Shannonville… 2 hours drive, 8 hours of hard driving, then 2 hours back home, then finally passed out.

2 and a half days when i was younger. I was out partying with friend…lol…good times

when i was 15 to buy my 240sx i had to work demolition 18 hrs a day for 3 days straight, i got 4 hrs of sleep then back to breaking down the CIBC building XD. Well worth it :smiley: