24V VR6 tick or rattle around 3k rpm on accel

I get this tick that started in the last week or three. Seems to come in around 3k rpms under accel, if I let off, it immediately goes away.

I dont hear it if I rev the car in neutral (or if its there its super quiet).

Thoughts anyone? Makes me nervous from my 12V VR6 timing chain days. Im not opposed to changing it and the clutch but Id assume not spend $1k on it right now.


Hmm. Sounds kind of like the 12V rotary crossover valves with bushings made of silly putty?

How many miles are on the car? Knock?

114k. Not sure on knock. Ill need to get vagcom out tomorrow and see whats up.


Have the chains been changed at all that you know of? The chain might be slapping against the tenshioner (sp?)

Does it go away if you rev past 3k?

Got the replacement change over valve bushings from gruven parts yesterday ($55 shipped). Took 30min to install them last night and the noise seems to be gone. yay.
