3.17 Saturday - St. Patty's Day :wahoo:

EDIT: Mark and I are no longer coming :frowning:

We just spent several hours at the airport trying to figure out what was going on, then get a refund, then find a way home since its after midnightā€¦finally got homeā€¦ughhhā€¦

ALL flights to NY and the surrounding areas are cancelled until late saturday night :frowning: :tdown: i guess weather got really bad?

I am so bummed. I miss you all so much and was really hoping to have an awesome weekend with you all. Have fun without usā€¦have some drinks for us, be safe, and take lots of pics!

I dont know when the next time I can come visit isā€¦but hopefully it will be soonā€¦or just come visit me :wink: Seattle has nice weatherā€¦hehe.


Im gonna pop a cap in all these airlineā€™s asses. :frowning:

It seems like this shit happens A LOT lately, and not even always weather related, but a lot of times airlines just suck at life and cant keep up with schedules and consumer demand, aka the recent jetblue fiasco with people sitting in airports for 10 hours before having their flights finally just get cancelled. :bloated:

That really sucks Ak, im sorry and i wish there was something I could do. :meh:

We were all looking forward to seeing you and Mark, but no worries, there will be plenty of other opportunities! :slight_smile:

As for the rest of youszssz, we are still game on for Saturday night! :tspry:

BOOOOā€¦Iā€™m sorry you guys canā€™t come. We will have to make up for it another time hun. I miss you :frowning:

I make no statements about me showing up for this lol


WTF!!! :frowning:

this sucks so much that ur not coming :(!!!

im sorry it didnt work outā€¦

im gonna go cry now :cry:

well in that case i am officially out. with all the competition for buttseks with mike, the only real reason i was looking forward to this was seeing ak. damn. thats such a bummer.


:frowning: :tdown: :frowning: :tdown: :frowning: :tdown: :frowning: :tdown: :frowning: :tdown: :frowning: :tdown: :frowning: :tdown:

GrrRrrrā€¦I dont think ive ever been so bummed out before.
And mostly, i have no one to be mad at, except the weather in NYC and the airlines. We had a layover at JFK, that is probably whyā€¦gUh! damnit!! UghHH.

I had ALL of these plans with all of my family and friends and everythingā€¦GgrrRrrrr. :frowning:

I wish we could drive there, but i wouldnt get there on timeā€¦shitty.

my parents got held up in DC weds night from aruba, i dunno why all the flights into buff were canceled.

bump bitches, its tonight!

ill pop in.

this is gonna be :bloated:

ill be out tonight

iā€™ll be down there with choda

leaving for my hotel room in a bit.

just got home from workā€¦1hr nap,food,color change to my hair and a shower and ill be ready to rock and roll!

just got home after being in the ER since 430am. id say it was a good night.

lolā€¦ awesome night

why the hell were u in the ER?

cant wait to see everyones pics!! :smiley:

hope you all had a blastā€¦mark and i wished we were thereā€¦

THANK YOU all for the awesome-O group voicemail! It wins the BEST ever voicemail award! i had to save it. :lol: :tup:

:lol: what a night