3 Doors Down concert

it was fucking awesome!!! hinder was ehh, staind was good, and of course 3 doors down was great…the opening band was called jet black stare…they were gay emo’s

anybody else go?

“ehh”+“good”+“great”+“gay emo’s”=“awesome” wtf? haha.

im not a fan of any of those bands so i wasnt there…

haha i guess my excitement was intended directly towards 3 doors down haha, i went to their concert 3 years ago at the pepsi and this one was def much better

The stained, breaking benjamin, 3 doors down one? I went to that. 3 doors down has been one of my fav bands since I was like 9. I’m kinda pissed thou, i havent really seen them recently but last time they had the little mohawk emo err whatever look goin on and it kinda pissed me off

i went to three days grace, breaking benjamin, seether, red in utica last year, def an awesome concert… Red is amazing live. Wish i had gone… any videos?

Awesome concert. Staind was definately the best last night. Theyre my favorite anyway.
The first two bands dressed a little fruity but their music was good.

I had second row seats so that made it even better.
My brother caught a drumstick from Hinder’s drummer.

i didnt even see the first band
but hinder was the ghey, i cant stand them
staind was really good
and 3 doors down was amazing, as usual

except for the rain, it was a pretty good concert :nod

umm that was 3 years ago…im talking about the one yesterday at spac lol

i thought the first band was horrible…their last song was decent but they werent that good

i was there other then the rain great show. the mud slip n slide out on the lawn was sick lol.