Dave Matthews Band at spac

ANyone going tonight . Ill be there , it only took free tickets and my best friend to get me to go . I would never buy tickets to his shit .


Wouldnt be caught dead at a Dave Matthews concert unless I was a sniper

i dont think dmb is good at all , on all my music i have non of his stuff . I just dont like him and i like just about everything . I dont know what it is .

I’ve been to WAY too many Dave concerts. I did both showings and usually one in CT each year from 9th grade until last year. I’m kinda all Dave’d out for awhile.

good one

its too much like jam at your house with no singing music to me .

^Ahh you gotta listen to alot more of it then. I was a giant hater, until i got into it. Its actually very very good. All of his songs are good IMO. Ive just gone to too many of his concerts.

But i DO have to say, its tough to acquire the taste of DMB. But the guy does put on one god damn good show, and i mean every time he is on stage, its 110000% effort on his part.

I’ll be there… Looking forward to it.

dmb sucks… have never gone to one of their concerts and im glad this is their last year touring. this music is junk

Im with paulie… I went to too many shows and now I’m done seeing him live. Although he puts on a great show.

This isnt their last year touring iirc. They just aren’t touring next year.

Def dude.

  • Rep.

Fuck DMB, it mine as well be called bro pride weekend in saratoga

Buncha queers up in hurr.

i went to a dmb concert once, to make my gf at the time happy. i told her after i don’t care how mad she gets at me i will never go to another one.


DMB sure makes a mess of Saratoga. Traffic, parking, garbage everywhere, etc.
Ive got a few of their cd’s but havent played them in quite a while. Ive never been to one of their concerts but thats not to say I wouldnt go to one.

I think more people go to the concert just to say “OMGZ I SAW DAVE”