DMB AT SPAC 6/20 6/21

hey guys
i will not be at the lot on Friday nite since i will be at SPAC for DMB
but i should be there Sat hence i dont have tix for the 2nd nite
this will be the first time in about 8/9 years i have missed a dmb show at spac!!!(due to money issues)!!!

DMB = teh gay!



scroll down a bit rofl

“they only refer to the band as DMB… you can’t abbreviate the word ‘band’ assholes, it’s a band by virtue of the fact that there is more than 1 person in it”


(For the GAY)

would been better off saying “im going to concert on friday peace”

Ill be there. At the Dave Matthews Band show that is.

i wonder how many shifters are DM fans




rap version of DMB would be

You guys are all just jealous at the fact that a balding middle aged man could pick up a chick easier than you could pick up a balloon full of helium.

oh hell yea ! if your famous u better be able to pick up a chick son

hey all the power to the man im sure hes fuckin awesome

we just dont like the music as much or at all

He sucks.

but seriously, they are nothing special

dmb is ok if ur baked out of ur mind lol

Most people i talk to are willing to suck a fart outta that dudes asshole.

Good to see so many haters. DMB is teh :haha

EDIT: … fuckin hippies, never trust em, theyll sell you bad drugs.

LOL word Sky, i thought me and LKS were alone here…so many people get hyped up over his dumb music and concerts :confused :headbang

Ill admit to having a few of his cd’s but I havent listened to them in quite a while and Ive never been to one of their concerts, although not to say I wouldnt go if asked.

No doubt, the parking lot is fun for sure. I worked for the park one summer and got asked to work one of their shows. Pretty much i drove one of the state trucks around pretending to be busy. Meanwhile tons of drunk kids were loading me up with beers, practically throwing them in the truck and what not. I was stockpiling free beer underneath the bench seat. Chicks were running up to me giving me jello shots and flashing titties. It was a rough night :idiots