DMB tickets public sale date Saturday

For the 3 people on the board that go to the Pitt DMB shows, the onsale public date is Saturday 10am.


ill be there, just like every other year, drunk as hell

get drunk and screw…

its the only concert i attend every damn year…mostly for the parking lot anymore, so much damn fun

I’ll probably be there! Too bad its the day before my 21st B-day! hahaha…

there is NO chance in hell im goin


I just got confirmed for the pavilion on Saturday.

we get a 55 person tour bus every year and take it down to tailgate, last year we had 3 grills and beer pong set up

whos DMB :dunno:

most likely will go, being that i have seen dave in concert about 10 or so times now… its not as exciting as it used to be

Where do you guys leave from? Do you let anyone else sign up for this? I’m going solo to the concert then meeting up with people there, but this sounds fun.

I can’t believe people still go see this retard. His music is horrible, and by that I mean I would rather listen to country mixed with opera singing over listening to any song by DMB.

do men’s butts

not a huge DMB fan. But he’s got a pretty hardcore following. :dunno:

probably something to do with the fact that he is a lead guitar player that sings. I don’t think he gets enough credit for that.

Unfortunatly a lot of the crowds are either college kids or people paying over $50 for a concert they won’t remember other then they had a smashing good time ha ha

I won’t be arguing further on this because obviously people have different tastes and are very strong on their opinions either for or against.

DuMB? :naughty: