DMB AT SPAC 6/20 6/21

yaa hopefully you wont have to go through that horror again

yeaa i dont even like the band, but my friend had an extra ticket and 2 cases of beer so im just gonna go get shitfaced with him


whatever diffrent strokes for diffrent folks I guess. I personally prefer the stranger.


^yup thats it.

i was not surprised at all for all the hatred for the band but there are things that i dont like with people i know.

o FYI the band has been together since 1994

Haters lol…

I have a few of their songs in my collection…they are pretty good from a musical standpoint. Besides who doesn’t like to go to concerts at SPAC?

Some of his music isn’t bad.

I primarily go to that show to drink my face off though.

Guys the band has been touring with Tim Reynolds as a guest all tour long, he’s been playing with them for the entire set as well. So this could be a great show since Tim Reynolds is an amazing guitarist. I saw Tim live a couple yrs ago at browns and he blew me away. Then I saw Dave and Tim play at UMASS Amherst last year and that was just phenomenal.

I’m gonna be there with the g.f and a bunch of her friends

i thought DMB was a gay band?

it is


Count me out.

I was up at the Hall Of Springs earlier this afternoon making a delivery and it was already starting to be a cluster fuck up there. Caution tape and security people everywhere.

definitely an awesome show. Tim was tearing it up on guitar like crazy, and the band seemed to be really in harmony tonight playing incredibly well together.

ya the show was KILLER !

That it was
but pissed that i cant go tonite due to money issues!!!
but i will be at the lot tonite around 830ish prolly watchin a movie or something in the vig