Dave Matthews Band at spac

fuckin dirty ass hippies … them and fish concerts , christ i thought the cult world was over when jerry garcia died

lol @ all you guys… Hey, I love my free tickets… I love getting to park in a private lot, I love getting free VIP access… I’m going to go to all the shows I can.

I went there and will NEVER see a dmb show again , we got there at 845 and left a little after 10 , We tried to enjoy it but it just sucks ass .Horrible music .

you loved it jeff dont lie…

Haha. It was terrible it was like me and my buddy were the only two people there not brainwashed. It was nuts

so your going again tonight right?

lol @ this thread, DMB is absolutely horrible

dmb > any and all country music

Johnny Cash mother fucker

sorry but no

aahaha DMB must SUCK live… i used to hang out with a chick was all into dmb, gives me headaches thinking about it… only spaced out people really enjoy dmb !

I feel like its more of a trend… “everyone’s doing it” kind of thing. Their music does nothing for me. I find more enjoyment out of putting my balls in a meat grinder.

I dont like how some bands like DMB prohibit people from bringing cameras to the concert.

Whats the point? If somebody wants to take a blurry out of focus pic of the band, let them.

Security is tighter for this concert than the concert I went to last weekend. Plenty of tailgating there and my brother walked right in with a 3" knife in his pocket and they didnt pat him down at all.

Randomly making stuff up again?

"Taping and bootlegs

Dave Matthews Band allows audience members to record most live shows and permits non-profit trading and streaming of the audience recordings.[56] The band cites college students trading these tapes in the early 1990s as a key reason for their current fame.[citation needed] Up until February 23, 1995 the band allowed tapers to plug directly into the soundboard at shows but after profiteering on these often high quality tapings, the taping policy was changed to only include microphones.[56] The band and its management also worked with the US federal government in 1996 to launch a crackdown on for-profit bootleggers, which resulted in large-scale arrests of those responsible for illegally manufacturing and selling copies of DMB material.[citation needed] To further combat bootleggers,[citation needed] the band released their first live album, Live at Red Rocks 8.15.95, to satisfy the demand for live recordings.

In recent years it has been common to see several sources per show, sometimes as many as five or more.[57] As microphones and recording equipment have become less expensive and of higher quality, the quality of tapings has improved.[citation needed]"

PJB relies on the pony express and telegraphs for his information… cut him some slack

No, I was up at the Hall Of Springs yesterday and today and theres signs in the state park saying that camera’s arent allowed per artist’s request.

Are you sure that wasn’t adult world?

fuckin dirty hippies …/ thread

Unfortunately… there are wayyyyy more douche bag blow out types than hippies at dave shows

hot girls like DMB too.

And yes Kevin that was at the Saratoga Park/SPAC.

I had to deliver linen for the backstage shit for the concert.