3" fun for celica came today!



simple yet effective, thats what im looking for…and for $91 bucks shipped… like a sour dick and a hand full of sand paper, you just cant beat it!!

3" exhaust on a celica? EVen though its turbo isnt thta a bit overkill?

2.0l turbo? emmmmm no

whats your name gearhead and where do u work

Jason… Chet’s Vettes is my dad’s biz I worked out of for a while.

Ok i know you my name is craig…i dunno if u remember me or not tho

Originally posted by s14M3
Ok i know you my name is craig…i dunno if u remember me or not tho

craig = gay


i dunno… ive met a lot of people that have come up the shop, probalby if i’d see ya again…

you got pics of your celica? and your links aren t working for me

Originally posted by lawnboy
3" exhaust on a celica? EVen though its turbo isnt thta a bit overkill?
