3 kings t shirt idea

It’s based on nut swinging. I think the idea is hilarious. And hey, no talking about highway queens until you agree to race people from a dig. :wink:

I’m busting your balls. Sort of like how everyone thinks Brett’s one of Ray’s nut swingers, even though they’ve known each other and been friends long before the Supra was even in this area.

Ryan in for the double quote to posty.

2 well scored points my good sir.

zomgz three highway queens ftw.

You guys need to lighten up…

the idea is funny…its just not something I think we should have as a name to promote this area’s cars.

My comp went nuts and quoted like half the page.

Stop being so jelous of Lower Class btw too.

Jesse, want to get suishi tonight?

Jesus H…dosen’t anyone see the humor in this?!

It’s meant to be totally silly and nothing else. If you can’t wear this shirt (or look at it) and laugh, you suck@life.

This is the second ref. I’ve seen to “Three Kings”

Who or What the hell is/are “three kings”?

EDIT: Nvm…read all the posts. lol.

Bro, I’ll do my best to answer all of your Supra questions, motivate you to press the 80’s, sell you parts, bang more bitches on the couch,

but i’ll never eat sushi with you.

^ Messed up. <3 it.

You guys are silly :ahh

We could just have regular, funny Tshirts.

i want to see your car but sorry im no nut swinger lol

This is GAY!!.. I love the video idea though…but a general video of everything…

The 3 cars that everyone keeps talking about aren’t the fastest. No one said anything about brooks, his car is faster then Ryan and Cossey, i’m not swinging off his nuts just stating… Tony’s car is at the top of the list with plenty of nut swingers cough ssmoking ss cough cough.

I think you just have a problem with what people have (money wise). Who the fuck cares how someone got their money or what kind of car they have…I dont have a lot of money by all means, I know Ryan doesn’t have a lot of money and Cossey should have a lot of money for what he had to go through… he deserves everything he has. But if i want something i’m going to get it…maybe i have what i have due to awesome credit… You’re a new jack to the car scene man… I may have a “SUPRA” now but i had a sweet ass VW for the longest time that i put way more money into then the car I have now…

Agreed. I dont have a ton of money I have a half decent job, but I work hard, I own a house and a mortgage is brutal compared to living at home. But I get by, and I support myself. Noone takes care of me. If want something I’m going to work as hard as I can to get it. Problem with me is I never feel it’s enough. And I always need more. I need to work on being complacent.

… I wish I could get back the retarded amount of money I’ve dumped into vehicles, and ended up selling them. ARG. :banghead

You are not alone there Ryan. Trust me. :ninja :lol

You had better fix this since that vw was fucking sweet


Thank you

Ray, Pics of said VW plz?

That golf was clean