3 wheel Busa downtown tonight??

master of the custodial arts.

anybody have pics?

1 sec lemme grab them off teds myspace



custodial engineer?

EDIT: wow, that just looks retarded.

quote=ieatpaint315;958683]^^^ you can do that on a 600 man. lol, grab some brake and let it rip…[/quote]


i’m sure people will buy them.

there are a plethora of people who are huge fggts.

i dont think its that bad looking. id be willing to bet its not very functional though.

He has a shop around here?


the girls are pretty…ugly… IMO

I dont like the look of the bike it looks lie a snowmobile to me. dont get me wrong if i was giving it i would ride it but would not buy

What is it called? Where is it?

^^ as don prints out resume to drop it off

i think every thread i read today you said fggt in it…congrads

I’m just a little interested in seeing it up close and personal. I always like to meet new people that have talent in doing something. Anything.

it looks just like a 4wheeler set-up i wonder if he just remade that type of setup… does anyone know what they run to buy one?

and you thing that jeeps roll! I do appreciate the work also just not the functionality.

come to my house ill show u a jeep (xj) roll

I saw those things too last night parked outside of 67 west and the thread on sportriders. My comment was all that does is make that busa even worse in the corners than it already is. :bloated:

Don, Twisted mentioned his shop was named Spinwurks. No idea where tho. I like it.
