3 wheel Busa downtown tonight??

I come up to the light as washington and chippewa and all I hear is 3 busa’s. 2 stretched with 300 rear tires and 1 3 wheel trex looking hyabusa with tons of blue neon. I know someone must know the kid that owns it

owns a shop around here, if your on sportriders, theres a thread about it.

gotta link. I cant even remember the url for the site

does it have chrome skinnies?? if so i saw it at lancaster yesterday…

Its my buddy Teds. There is 3 in the world and hes made all of them. Every busa that was stretched and slammed @ the shred and regan yesterday. They just won a whole bunch of awards in mertle beach
Buisness name is Spinworks

thats him, he stopped at club w on a sunday afternoon with some other dude on a gsx-r 600. had both his “models” with him.

it’s so retarded.

the worst part about it is the fact that it has a suspension just like a 4-wheeler would have and when you turn, you cant even lean into it or tilt the bike/trike. the can-ams sort of pivot for a much safer and comfortable ride.


just different I would never want one

I saw it in lancaster, it was interesting to say the least.

i didn’t even think about it, but yeah. The CG is SOOOO high, too.

i agree.
Not my cup of tea but i appreciate the work

yuh, ugly. but hey if they like it, they like it.

All three of them pulled into Williamsville North’s parking lot around 730 just as I was leaving work.

I saw him pull out, but what was more impressive was his buddy on the busa who lit up the rear wheel doing 30mph under the library tunnel ! shit was pretty cool those things have some power!

^^^ you can do that on a 600 man. lol, grab some brake and let it rip. i see it up and down main st near transit, looks and sounds like poop.


Teddy use to have a huge lifted blue dodge back in the day

dumbest shit eva…:fail:

are you a janitor?

lol. No.

He’s a porcelain sanitizing specialist.