My new toy

Lets run

Nice! Bet that’s a lot of fun!!!

watch out for trains!


damn…not a fan of the color but u can’t really see it all that well goin tht fast ayway

in before quik says your bike sucks… i for one, think its beautiful

I heard they were slooooow. J/K Kicka$$ bike though.

go suck a dick!!!

cool wheels and ok

Nice Bike . Nice chioce.


looks sweet. 'busas r pretty cool

Nice ass bike!!! Now go find a nice safe place and see if you can get it over 180 :smiley:

I like the Black thing in the back better.

I dont like the front fender at all, makes it look like one of those touring cruiser bikes :kekegay:

the oil cabnet??? :confused:

guess what genius. a busa is listed as a sport touring bike not a sport bike

on suzuki’s site its listed under sport bike. Some delaers I have seen it listed under super bikes :dunno:

not cuasing an argument, just saying what they are listed as since I have been looking at them for a few months now :dunno:

go get a quote for insurance. since they sell bags for those bikes. its cheaper on insurance. of course the dealer has it listed as a sport bike. so is a Katana but its not a sport bike.

also you shouldnt be looking at no busa if you never rode before. just way to much bike for a beginner but i guess in your case if you are going ot make it a total poser bike then go ahead and get one and make it show bike.

but reality turning a busa into a show piece is about the same making a electric glide a drag bike. just doesnt make sense

he isnt looking. in case you havn’t noticed, its sitting in HIS garage