$300 movie lands a $30 million movie deal.


You’ve gotta start including the details in your threads.

One producer’s YouTube video, featuring giant robots invading the city of Montevideo, has landed him a $30 million Hollywood movie deal.Fede Alvarez’s Ataque de Panico (Panic Attack) shows gigantic CGI humanoids capturing the capital of Uruguay as citizens flee. The five-minute clip has been viewed 1.5 million times on YouTubeYouTube. It was created on a budget of $300. Alvarez says that after uploading the video on a Thursday, he was receiving offers from Hollywood on the Monday.

He eventually accepted a $30 million dollar deal from Ghost House Pictures for a full-length sci-fi thriller set in Uruguay and Argentina. The movie won’t be based on the YouTube video itself, Alvarez told the BBC.
While it makes for a remarkable story, you might be less surprised after watching the clip; it has a Hollywood polish that implies Alvarez’s work is ready for its big screen debut.



wow that was pretty sick for a movie on a $300 budget

Robots gigantes invaden Montevideo!

How many times have I told you bastards they’re gonna take over…

love the choice of music

I’ll watch any movie where feeble humans get annihilated.

Taken directly off “28 Days Later” :lol

aka “In the House - In a Heartbeat”

Looks pretty cool! Especially for only $300, pretty impressive. On a side note, movies are so unoriginal nowdays…

No. Aka “The Music from 28 Days Later-I said so.” Thanks. :lol