
:lol :lol :lol that last ones great
and you were right about the one pic with the back of your car showin the ser and my car in the background it turned out mad good

i wish i had a 335i sedan. ughh.

You guys suck at taking pics lol. ;D Cleanest car there is Bobby’s Civic. :ninja

hahaha i kno my cars mad dirty right now and it was kramer takin the pics i only took 1

billy you should repost the pics into the first post so people dont have to dig through the thread to see them

nice last pic

haha yea dude i told you i really like the car :lol

The civic kinda looks outta place :lol

hey just watched a 07 335i on pass time go 12.6 at 110 with software but they didnt say what kind

i bet it was the dinan chip, most people get mid 12’s with that and i dont know of any other software for the 335 as of yet

idk it was nice beat a 300zx n/a

i though n/a’s only ran like 15.0’s???

i was just look at the 335 lol

fuck dinan.

procede v2 with downpipes. i love 335i’s.

took a ride in this beast saturday night… very impresed

A stock 335 is not a beast.

Hey! It burns all 4 stock!!!#@

Redline launch maybe. :slight_smile:

Haha thats me my parents dont love me enough to buy me a nice car :frowning:

~5500, it definitely is a premium car. The sound system was incredible, the seats were comfortable, and it moved quickly for what it was.