350Z: Doin work, Scrapin dirt...56K lulZ

I took a few shots of this 350Z for a local forum member. I need to find different spots, I’ve used the spots in these photos before and I dont really like to do that. I need to find that epic spot…

Link to my Flickr gallery of all photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/killerblackbird/sets/72157623730424396/

  1. Original shot from above; I didnt like the building in the background.

  1. LG Chocolate ground clearance lol.

Not really feeling the wing but car looks clean.

I fucking love it.

More low+less wing= good

Great shots as always though

Shots awesome but the car does absolutely nothing for me


if you think thats low you should shoot my car

Those rims look awsome on there.Nice pics though.

i like it alot

damnnn thats alot of pics … great job on the first rig shot removing the building and the edit is fantastic … not a fan of the second rig but i think its because the first one is so good!!! … also as always the DOF in these shots are crazy … you and that L glass ftmfw … great set man … i look forward to seeing great shots from you all summer !!!

Looks good, nice wheels

loss the wing, lower the front a 1/4 inch and rear 1/2 inch, spacers all the way around, it would be perfect

not feeling the wing, but the pics are real nice!

Yup exactly that

great pics, mods done to car are garbage

Nice shots!

what this guy said, but especialy in bold

Thanks for the pic compliments guys!

The car owner just got the wheels and coilovers on the other day, he said he most likely will be removing the wing and will probably fine tune the drop once everything settles. The wing isnt really that bad in person, but I think it would look a lot cleaner with out it.

fucking hate the car, but your photo skills are sick!

Not feeling the wing or the wheels. I’m getting sick of the hella flush tucked fad so the stance is plenty low for me. You have true talent with the camera. Wish I could shoot like you.