350z TT!!

we’ll its been a long process as some of you may already know the 350z project has come to an end. final numbers are 443whp and 390trq not to shabby for 9psi of boost.
Here is a short dyno video and of course a dyno sheet.

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sorry James Bond I had to.

what setup are you running? what are the turbos? Is this just a tweaked bolt on kit or is it a totally new combination of parts?

aps tt kit, with some TLC.

Well, I guess it’s safe to say that David is going to get a TT after seeing these numbers!

Crazy mofos!

^^ LOL! actually, i’m looking into ST, TT’s way too expensive and overpriced… 20K at least to finish the project…

But that’s some pretty good numbers for 9 psi… Was it the standard APS kit or the APS Extreme?

What’s with the dyno of 297hp and 293tq? lower psi or something?

from what i heard, the owner wanted to remain anonymous and low key so that people would mistake his car for stock, but thanks to justin @ intense, now everyone will know what he’s putting out :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I’ve talked to the owner before and he’s now famous. Everyone knows his car.

xuperxero if you are thinking of st i would seriously look into stillen. they offer a factory waranty not only on charger but on engine as well.
and we are getting a pritty sweet deals from stillen.

i recall seeing a few videos of a tt 350z on this site.:{
sorry for being proud of my car.

and yes James Bond is quite famous.

how is it going James and i never said anything about whos car it is.
im hoping you guys will see it at a few track days next year

haha … i’m just kidding justin … it’s okay, i don’t really care anymore if people know it’s my car, but things are going okay so far. haven’t really had much opportunity to drive it lately b’cuz of weather and work, but so far so good. the car did idle stall once the other week, but that was a very odd instance. was at a light and didn’t even notice the car stalled off, then when light turned green, noticed the car was off, but on 99% of other occasions the car recovers fine from the tune fix.

also having some grind when slipping 3rd gear periodically, i have this eerie feeling my tranny is going to blow up one day, but for now things are okay.

keep you updated as things progress :slight_smile: oh, and a/f gauge, if you’re really bored and wanna come down to toronto to hook it up, by all means :wink:

^^hahahah busted…

Justin, i meant ST as in Single Turbo. Stillen only makes superchargers… do they?

haha, we already know you were packing heat…now we just know you’re packing rockets haha! nice numbers man!

and David, i’m pretty sure Stillen only makes SC, but I think that’s what Intense is suggesting…but I dunno if you can live with that bump on the hood…maybe HKS SuperCharger? hahaha…someone wanna hook that up?

sorry man i thought you were talking super charger. my bad
the single turbo aps kit is only a few bucks cheaper,if your going to spend the money the twin kit is well worth it.

i have a set of tires waiting for next year James Bond. and dont worry i will have a truck and trailer for next season.

brake pads too please, most likely the hawk hps’s

i knew it was your car lol… :smiley:

okay, people on TNC know … now SHHHHH … NO ONE ELSE AROUND TORONTO :slight_smile:

^^ alright you heard the man… NOW PASS IT TO EVERY FORUM THERE IS!!!

posts on my350z.com

hahaha jks

ST will yield a good 400+ with respectable tune and upgrade fuel system and other crap… TT is only good for a flatter torque. Not really worth it to spend the extra 10 grand for me. I’m still in college for christ sake!

Nice numbers!!! Post some vids up, if you get a chance. I would like to see it in action.

Im sorry but i dont have any vids in action, it being winter and all. im not sure if James as any or not, we will have to ask him to blast a few flat spins and take some vid of it.:R

i’m sure we’ll have more vids come spring … both grip and drag ones … i’m curious what she’s pulling in the 1/4 ever since i walked a supercharged charger srt-8 and those things can pull high 10’s, low 11’s stock, or so someone says on the kingston forums.

either way, shouldn’t you be busy living it up on your vacation justin? you need some time away from the shop and/or car related things until you have to deal with all the shit problems my car throws at you come spring :slight_smile: