We finished up installing the kit Monday but I’ve been farken busy and haven’t been able to post a picture… Anyways, here’s a picture of it all done and cleaned and purty.
Click the picture for a larger image.
I have a dyno tune appointment for tomorrow night, hopefully all goes well there. I’ll be taking videos/pics of it during the dyno and then also during the maiden voyage.
I highly recomend using a shit load of heat shielding around your turbo hotside/downpipe. I cringe looking at the rad and alternator sitting next to all that heat with no protection.
wow that engine bay is more clustered than an RB20 hhahahaa… but seriously looks pretty good i am curious to see what kind of numbers you hit on the dyno
I am most happy. Definately worth the 5 days hellish install haha. I’m running 4.5/5.5 boost right now. Will monkey with things come summer. I can tell you 4.5 psi is fucken amazing. Woo hoo!
Dyno tune was 150$/hr. Took 2 hrs.
For the install question. We had some install instructions, and lots of help from the good ol interweb. I couldn’t have done it without my dad though, I was just the lackey/financer in this project, he was the brains of the operation.
P.S. Thanks Nick for selling me a kick ass kit. I’m extremely happy with how everything turned out.
Yea stock internals. I was very impressed. The guys runnen the Garret turbo with the PTI are turnen 325whp at 10 psi… Hehe wicked turbo pick on Nicks part.
It’s a different turbo eh… The other PTI kits are running the Garrett Turbo. Mines an ITS (Innovative Turbo System). Maybe the boost guage is wrong… Who knows… All I know is I love the car and goes like hell now… Honestly… They asked what I wanted to try it at and I said I dunno… the other specs are runnen 7 street 10 track and they get 280ish/325ish respectively… He said lets start at low and go from there… 4.5psi is the lowest they could go… they then went to 5.5, then 8. I stopped there cuz I didn’t wanna blow anything.