36 million drivers would flunk


  1. Pennsylvania :frowning:


wow, people are stupid, there is the test

Yeah, there are a lot of idiots here in PA. I can believe it.

<— 80% wooo


Bloody hell I missed this one

  1. There is an emergency vehicle coming from behind you with emergency lights on and flashing. You should:
    Slow down and keep moving
    Speed up and get out of the way
    Maintain your speed
    Pull over to the right and stop

Your Score: 95%


I missed the one about the distance for using a turn signal (I said 50,) the one about merging onto a freeway (said posted speed limit) and the one about the diamond sign - I had a brain fart and put yield, which is a triangle.

Oh well, I’m above average :slight_smile:



I’m no dummy!

Ya like one trying to sell their 101k jeep for 9 grand:ugh2:


95% i missed the one about passing in the right lane… i believe PA’s law is to only pass on the right is different than the test though.


95% here as well, missed the same question. I hope you’re right, that means we’re perfect drivers, w00t, haha.

Alright, I admit…I got 70%. I made a few stupid mistakes. Apparently rumor is true, I’m a bad driver.


i had a 100…

I find it hard to believe that North Carolina is as high up on the list as it is, and that PA is supposedly worse than South Carolina. Carolinas have proven one thing since I have been here. They are the stupidest drivers I have ever seen.

florida should be near the bottom of the list. The farther south you go the worse the drivers are.

95%, I didn’t realize it was legal to pass on a shoulder (even tho I do it when it’s safe).

I’ve seen too many drivers out west doing a rolling roadblock (not passing in a timely manner and moving back into the right lane when passing complete).