shits sick
I think i just…
here sully i got you a towel
me to please…
Whoa, what!!! Due to the surrounding pictures this is most likely a very nice car, and they go with a cheap as AEM methanol injection kit and, to top it off, TEXT screw the damn kit tank to the fucking deck!!! Awesome install right there…fail
Most of it overinflated exotics IMO, but some are nice and clean and good to go
Looks like it’s in a porsche
I think this is the car it was in
that blue z06 with the nascar tribute is sooooo redneck
thought the same thing
Yes, it a 997 Turbo bonnet. Due to the collection of cars in the previous pictures it’s probably safe to say it’s done up nice and clean, then you pop the bonnet and see that mess. Tisk tisk on their part…
No, it’s in a black 997 turbo not the arctic silver. Probably the one towards the top of the first post. Just plain lazy install there, especially for a $150K+ car
Beautiful car, beautiful pictures, but I’m going to go ahead and say that I don’t like the wheels too much. They’re nice and most look good, but there are certainly better (looking) options out there.
you are always like 10 minutes late with your posts.
that is the owners of 360 forged personal 997 turbo. which i know was for sale, i think it had already sold. had around 700whp.
me? sry
Yeah but it still is great paint work…and atleast it didn’t carry to the outside(the car it’s in is below that pic)
+1, I didn’t know they were the same car until you told me :up