366 + 200 shot



sweet Fromula > all ohther f-buckets


its looks blue not orange to me :ugh2: :blah: :dunno:

sweet good luck

just thatsa 6.0 there, think about that one

still debating motors

another 366 on spray


haha i konw

Someone tell me how this one ends.

is it just me, or does that look photoshopped?

it beats a cobra :stick:

car is crazy clear… the rest is real fuzzy i agree

isnt that how to take some pics liek that, focus just on the car, rest be fuzzy???

if thats a chop, which i dont think, that was a damn damn damn good chop with a lot of time into it

My GTP does that

what good is it if it’s off the ground??? either way thats fuckin insane!!! goodluck with your buildup

that would be more of a panning shot… which from that angle I am not sure if it would even be possible. Its also more of a blur then it is a fuzz.

I am thinking that picture is fake

i doubt that pic is fake cause there is almost the same shot same car in hot rod magazine for pump gas drags, or whatever. he won some class, that photo i doubt is chopped