3800 SC 94 Cavalier (Bought house, needs to go)

Misteroman is legit, he’s bought 2 cars from me while you have farted around “selling” yours, the longer you hang onto it the further down the price is going to go

This better do better burnouts than the new owner’s 2 corvettes can do. Which is none.

^ dick <3 yeah

      • Updated - - -

^ dick <3 yeah

Why don’t you take the nickels? Have him come out to you, he’s the one buying the car, makes sense to me.

The car is sold as of now. Have deposit down so looks promising. And I would happily take the nickels or even pennies if he came to me. I don’t care if he’s bought 15 cars on boards and I haven’t but when you own something that’s for sale, a consumer tends to come to you…

Huh? Tell me Josh bought this…

I agree with the seller, why would he bring the car down, that’s retarded, buyer should be the one moving.

yup #7 in the fleet

Want me to drive it down to Texas for you? :wink:

I’d deliver it to Texas for gas money and plane ticket back:)

y’all so nice! :slight_smile:

At least it want to a good home!!! No hard feelings on my end I just couldn’t get away for 6-7 hrs right now. Still looking for a mint black 90Z if anyone comes across one !

If he ever needs that it would go to me first.

Of course if Paulo wanted to I think he deserves it considering his incline for cavaliers. I’m sure I’ll get to drive it either way. This car has to be so much fun to drive. I’d love to beat a new mustang 5.0 or tuned 335i in this thing.

If the weather clears up enough before this leaves for Texas, I can bring the 335 out for a quick run. :slight_smile:

I know the new vette is going down when he heads back home after christmas so it will probably be here in the spring. This thing has to trap 110 in the quarter easy.

I’ll get texas tags for this in the spring it’ll sit in my dads barn until then, then you guys can race it.

I used to own this car before Dale and the original build was done by one of my best friends. The car trapped in the 112mph range up in Hamilton Ontario years ago right after it was finished.

What was the final price?

wow 3.4 gtp’s trap 100ish