385 ferraris

Love this photo
This amazing scene was taken yesterday as the largest number of Ferraris to ever gather in one place came together with officials from the Guinness Book of Records on hand to confirm the achievement. The event celebrating the 60th anniversary of the legendary marque saw no less than 385 Ferraris filling the Silverstone race track.

The site was chosen because of its historical significance for the prancing horse brand. The British track was the site of the first Ferrari win in the F1 World Championship when Froilan Gonzalez won at the wheel of a Ferrari 375 race car on July 14th 1951.

The day also saw a record number of F40s turn-up, with exactly 40 Ferrari F40s making an appearance. An ultra-rare FXX supercar also starred at the show, a car with only 29 models in existence plus a special one for Michael Schumacher.

that’s pretty cool.

I <3 355’s.

looks like all those are faded and you look at the top of the pic and you see one amazing shiny red one

those are F40s and F/Xs or whatever…no F355s :gotme:

edit: oh in the vid

i am pretty sure he knows this. i am willing to go out on a limb and say that he was just saying he loves 355’s

It says “a” FXX, and there are several in the picture?

that’s cool. i’ll have to watch the vid when i get home. that first pic is so hot.

EDIT: lol rubicant


mmm f40s, that pic is awesome


Dime a dozen on 'dem Ferrari type F40 deals, I sees like a whole bunch of red ones da udder day…


P.S. sweet pic and vid.

yes i know all about the fxx i just forgot the name and didnt look that closely at the picture. fuggin hot as shit though eh

WOW. That sight of a mass of F-40s is amazing

oh the F40, so delicious, it has a twin turbo v8 but does not have inside door handles, how confusing.

F40 > *