Ferrari FXX??

never heard of it…but ill bid and take one while i have the opportunity on ebay here…


This “track version” of the ENZO is only available to Ferrari’s favorite and most privaledged customers. They have to own a bunch of other Ferrari’s first, including the enzo, to even be considered for Ferrari to give them permission to buy this car. However, when they buy the FXX, they’re signing themselves up as test drivers at a slew of Ferrari track events, where data is taken from their driving and used for further R&D.

Cliffs: If this car was obtained from a private party, whoever let it go is a fucking idiot, or has just had all of his stock plummet?

I think the Sultan of Brunei was the first to have one of those things…I drooled when I first heard about it a few years ago.

edit: my bad. the Sultan’s custom Ferrari just has one X. Ferrari FX

WOW!! Purchasing this car is seriously the opportunity of a lifetime for some rich bastard that wasn’t invited into the program to begin with!

I wish that I had Several Million so that i could dream of bidding

Very surprised there is one being sold publically. I would not be surprised if Ferrari was pissed off and turned their back on you if you showed up with this.

Wow, that is amazing. Talk about a factory racecar.

Considering the owner is shelling out a couple mill atleast, and, I’m pretty sure said buyer won’t be a total idiot ferrari probably won’t treat them differently. They wouldn’t want to alienate a customer who spent a few million on just one car already, and probably owns more than one ferrari.

i think it kicks ass that not only do you get an amazing car but you also join team Ferrari including track days, free international shipping, technicians from Maranello @ the track. shit that alone is worth it.

I take it you didnt hear how pissed off Ferrari was when a few street Enzo’s hit the public market? Besides the fact that like the F1 cars Ferrari has contracts on the FXX’s, kinda like the 5 year leases on the F50s. Ferrari basically reserves the right to buy the car back from you for a certain amount of time.

so like u said u get all those priviledges when u buy it…does all of that come with it when u buy itsecond hand like this???

mike, no i didn’t know about that with the Enzo’s. I’d heard about the F50 contracts but thought they were rumours… guess not, I guess that’s what makes Ferrari so special. people still shell out 6 to 7 figures for one car from them, and some models they could buy back from you.

KCuv from what i’ve read i’d assume you’d get to participate still… it seems as though they want all 20 of them present at the same track events and want to gather data from all the cars. Probably to see where the cars differ, if at all, or how different driving styles affect performance wear and tear etc.

when the F50 came out i remember reading in car and driver…$571,000 for a 5 year lease.

:tup: what are the odds i can get a loan for this :lol: