3rd TNC Meet Pics

i didnt even end up going lol…

why did you miss your bus?

i honestly didnt think it would be all that great…till i saw how blazing hot her friends were:F

ohhh and ya i have one more pic… didnt post it or edit it before because of poor quality, but decided to anyway now…
my pic is of the same car as popcorns pic… damn you got a nice camera, wanna trade?

my pic is after being edited to lighten it up abit… made it blurry at the same time but the origanal is soooo soo so dark.

that is all.


RB in that altima? i don’t think so!

Sure I’ll trade. Your car for my camera… and maybe some more… :stuck_out_tongue:
hahaha. j/k, I’m 100% sure you car is worth MUCH more than my stupid camera. No trades though.

haha, i was jk anyway i knew it wouldnt happen…

and im happy with my little dig cam. just doesnt take to bright of pics at night.

my paint is STAGE 1 canadian tire spray paint :slight_smile: lol i have no worries… i got bout 3 extra cans in the trunk :stuck_out_tongue: lol… y am i so poor :frowning:

hey dont tease him because he uses bus. i used to use the bus for 4 years straight and it wasnt a pleasant time. i dont think its a joke…

LMAO thanks for standing up for me :R but imah big boy now i can take there jokes :smiley:

why didnt you come out to the meet though dude?

im not teaseing him because he uses the bus.
and ive also had to use the bus for several years, just get some music and its alright. but it still does suck.
and as the joke part. it was towards blade, had no idea someone would get offended by it.
makes me wanna go listen to some kriss kross - i missed the bus. haha

ahh i missed it sorry boys next time for sure

yeah you better come so i can take pictures of your car with out my batteries dying lol…

I WILL NEVER LET THIS DIE… :stuck_out_tongue:

for those of you who havent seen it watch it lol flashing blue lights buhahahahaha…


yes… haha that was great.

+1 i agreee.:C