4/22/08 - Evening Cruise?

really nice out any one up for cruising around or something today

Yeah I have a job. :stuck_out_tongue:



i has teh jobz. have fun.

i got fetuses to abort

lol later when all the skanks are out

lol I would tonight but there are a couple of hockey games that must be watched

im at workz you silly GOOSE

and yea…later = game 7’s

so nice out.


So I moved this here from OT because, well, this is where you post meets and get-togethers.

Then I added a date and approximate time, as per the guidelines stickied in this subforum.

Now it’s up to you to add a location and work out a more specific time.

Once everything falls into place you then enough people will have enough information and you’ll have a fighting chance at actually accomplishing what you were attempting. :tup:

lol thanks fry, if we get enough people interested ill figure out and meet place and time thats the easy part, we can prolly stop by somewhere check out some of the game too for those that wanna watch it

I’d probably be up for a leisurely cruise this evening :tup:

IN for the evening.

So whose up for it was thinkinbout meetin at mighty cruise down by the river or something

go bowl and PRACTICE

lol you goin tonight? do you wanna?
