4/22/09 5th Annual National Burnout Day

5 years ago i started National Burnout Out Day on oldspower.com http://www.oldspower.com/vb/showthread.php?t=15702&highlight=national+burnout+day

Its no coincidence that it coincides with Earth Day. national burnout day is not only a day to enjoy you car and light up some hides but its also a day to stick it to the enviromental retards of this great nation and tell them NO you arent going to take our hobby, fuck your trees, go fuck yourself, anything you can do we can negate with toxic rubber smoke so stick to picking up garbage on roadsides and planting trees and leave the car hobby the fuck alone. i emplore my brothers… let ur voice and horsepower be heard by the limp wristed people of this country. :burnout:




in a conflicting story, Channel 11 News reporter Captain McObvious reports that G-bodies lack the horsepower to do a burnout, people on internet laugh at the irony. More on this developing story as details unfold.


on a side note…today is national tea bag day.

aw honey you remembered!

Pop Quiz: Steak n a BJ Day?

Looks to me like you started it 4 years ago… Maybe I will participate?

todays sesame street is brought to you by the number 5… 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009… 5…FIVE…FIFTH!


You better go back and watch that episode. Fith annual, but 4 years ago nonetheless.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Cutty owned by Kindergarten mathmatics!!! :bowrofl:

Extra irony points for him going on a while back about the only math you need to know in life you learned by 4th grade.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

or how bout…

2005 =1st year
2006 = 2nd year
2007 = 3rd year
2008 = 4th year
and GAWD DAMNIT 2009 (FYI this year is 2009) = 5th year… aka the 5th annual burn out day.


:rofl: at the math skillz in this thread

who you agreeing with here nigga? im pretty sure that im correct.

Did you guys factor in leap days?

Your 1st birthday was the day you dropped out of your mother’s cunt?

well i kicked off the festivities on Saturday


I didnt know they made power inverters that could handle fog machines. Good find!

not fog… its a scratch n sniff picture…try it out