:burnout: let “them” know that they can’t take away our hobby. they want nothing more to destroy all forms of motorsports. stop being pussy fence riders and pick a side. peace out
burnouts = :greddy:
hey look @ me… :rolleyes:
woopty fuckin doo
burnouts are still cool, just not if you do them at the waterfront or something gay like that
what’s a burnout?
showtime ur missin the point. its about not caving in to the envior-nuts. they wanna take every race gas burning, wheel pulling beast and put it in a crusher!
cool…where? even @ shows where thay have competions…its painfully boring to watch
if you had a GTP u might know. :burnout:
i got the point…
fuck the envior-nuts & the fag/attention whores that think its cool to do burnouts.
no, its not so much doing a burnout, get out and enjoy your car.
i’m sure you wash ur car cause u want it took look nice… i guess that makes you a fag attention whore. its not the same but it is.
not really…my car looks like a shitbox.
but i get you point…your saying everyone want attention…
true is some repect but…there are eceptions
i prefer the least amout as possible…
& yes i get your point of get out & enjoy your ride :bigthumb:
ahhh, theres the good old Cutty stupidity. Havent seen that in a while.
i may be stupid but i’m not blind to reality like you.
I’m blind to reality? I’m not the one that thinks earth day is a conspiracy against motorsports that we need to organize against, lest the internal combustion engine be banned from the land.
If you cant see that we need to do things for our environment, then you are indeed blind (or at least ignorant and oblivious) to reality. Believe it or not, a lot can be done for the earth as far as emissions and such without negatively affecting motorsports.
i’m too broke to do a burnout. no money for tires shit that breaks.
i’m not politcal debating with someone who is never wrong. its not a conspiracy agaisnt motorsports but they would sure love to crush classics and perfomance cars, atleast the extreamist that are out marching would.
our enviroment is fine. i’m sure you believe that NY and boston harbors will be flooded by 2036 like ur buddy kerry. global warming my ass. go suck off a alaskan endangered moose or some crap like that
yeah, since classics and performance cars make up like .00000001% of cars on the road today. Im sure thats their real priority. Its the performance cars and classics that make the smog over L.A.
our enviroment is fine. i’m sure you believe that NY and boston harbors will be flooded by 2036 like ur buddy kerry. global warming my ass. go suck off a alaskan endangered moose or some crap like that
thats a good boy. Just stick your head in the sand and pretend like its not happenning. Then everything will be alright. Pure ignorance.
its not. ur dumb enough to believe what they tell you. how come almost every record high was from the early part of the century if we are having global warming now…becasue its a farce! global warming is a farce. the ice caps are not melting because of emissions from our country. its most likely a natural cycle of the earth! besides, if amercia has the cleanest air it won’t matter because other countries around the world don’t and they can undue what we tried to acomplish. did anyone every stop and think if there is global warming its because the sun is gettin hotter not that earth has a hole in the ozone? i see that a better possibility considering the sun is a ball of gas. global warming is an agenda by people who think they know whats right and want power they don’t don’t deserve.
well i look at it this way:
i will be dead before the enviroment becomes so shitty that earth is no longer able to be lived upon by humans.
im not a scientist or have really any knowledge of how to see if a fucking ice cap is melting or if my air is polluted. therefore ill just not care and take what they say with a grain of salt because there is nothing i can do about it.
they are not gonna take away anyones car at least not until like i said you will be probally too old to drive it anyways.
this thread is retarded.
i could give a fuck about global warming. they have been talking about this shit for like 20 years and its still fucking cold in may. it needs to get globally warm in pittsburgh so i can wear some damn shorts.
you are, however, blind to the fact that I’m about even with a stock GTP