4/25 (Friday)...

Is anyone else seeing 75 degrees Friday… :eek3

After today and tomorrow it’s supposed to be alll uphill
Can’t wait

68 Degrees for the cruise on Saturday too… top make come off this weekend…

No point in having a license plate that says POPURTOP if you dont pop the mother fuckin top mr. bakarien…

I’d get POPURTOPS… cause I have two but ehh its to long and I dont want to copy you lmao

The license plate says popurtop cause every one loves pringles…get it right

Once you pop, the fun don’t stop.

4/25 is Saturday, lolz

Ask me how I know :rofl:rofl:rofl


Least thats what DMV knows. :excited

Isnt this Saturday supposed to be the big meet and drive or something?

Yes, 2pm @ Exit 11


Edit** Aparently noone is going now? We cant even plan something two months in advance. :rofl

no but im seeing that 4/25 is a saturday

Walt you crafty fucker you

aw, good morning

People are going on the cruise. I know of 5 who are definitely going not including myself. This shit is going down

it better, its supposed to be BEAUTIFUL and i took the day off from work so.

yeah I cancelled plans that could have lead to me getting laid for this drive. The only thing that is stopping me is rain or if i get horribly disfigured in a candle/ky lube accidents between now and tuesday

I’ll be rolling down on C12 :banghead