4/26/08 - Dent removals session for this year! Lafengas has spoken...

I should be off the updated list…

just noticed, it seems the more info threads are broken now.

Whats the plan if it rains? 60% chance of Thunderstorms, currently.

Bump. Rain plans?

As long as there is no rain, I would like to join.

IF There is rain it WILL BE CANCELED since we have no shelter and car doors/windows may need to be open for an extended period of time.

Check back here tomorrow morning if it has been canceled.

looks like were going to get rain on/off all next week too. :tdown:

What we need is a business that isn’t open that has a canopy drive thru.

or if somebody has one of those party tents

you can use my garage for all I care… so long as I get some dents out for free lol. I’ll even supply beer for the wizard and you josh.

I had a tent that I left at someones house… He just told me that I can check if it is there tonight, I can do that if we want. That would give you plenty of space for three cars. under at a time if he still has the thing

We can use my garage…but thats in Rochester. :slight_smile:

The other place i was thinking is the building that Basil just bought in South Buffalo on abbot. It is just a large canopy. Maybe someone can call Dave, and he can ask his uncle??

just realized it’s tomorrow.

looks ok at this point. Weather says it should be dry for a few hours

right now…weather looks fantastic… and nothing showing on the radar

I won’t be able to make it. Car is not available this morning.

Still on right?

im going now…

Just got back. They certainly do good work. Took the two small door dings out of my car perfectly and for a great price.

Kinda shitty that by almost 11am there were only 8 or 9 people when 30+ cars were promised for a 9am to noon meet. :

Thanks to the organizers for setting this up. :tup: