4/29 Backroad Cruise

not goin, watchin the sabres

I might cruise the RX-7…what time are people meeting up?

^^Ditto, I might swing by before the sabres game.

Is this thing still a go? None of the organizers have replied.

Im down to go… what about everybody else

How far do people want to drive? I know some great back grounds thru Genesee County, into Wyoming County etc…But it could turn into a couple hrs at least

that depends on when you want to start

Yeah Im only looking to stay till 2 but I will atleast stop by to say hi.

Lets get the ball rolling.

I have no idea where the buffalo twistis are so sombody needs to lead the way.

im gonna cruise down at 12:30 just to check it out

Have fun guys, me and chris can’t make it.

I will swing by closer to 1, i gotta make my car somewhat presentable…I hate black cars.

I’m not going to make it, my grandma called, she wants to see me. Family is more important then a car forum. Sorry guys…

I might swing by around 1ish… Is anyone going to be there? My car is clean… ish


I’m not going to make it, my grandma called, she wants to see me. Family is more important then a car forum. Sorry guys…


Bring your Grandma along!


Bring your Grandma along!


you going? BRING THE 91’ ACK! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have some pics but i can post them because photobucket is down. ill post them as soon as its up

Wow this really happened today?? Who all attended?


Wow this really happened today?? Who all attended?


Not that many people showed. I dont know everyone who was there but like i said i have picks and will post them as soon as photobucket is back up.

i went up around 3 and everyone was gone…i know cooley (midgex) was up there but they all left before i got there