4/30 meet @ Taffy's

yea i said meet at 7 at taffy’s because i think they close around 10
I have to go down to ohio and back on sunday… so hopefully i’m not gone to long

Andy, if I am back from our team’s travel by then, I’ll go with you guys, so leave an extra opening.

And there’s a great chance we’ll be back by then too…so count me in for now.

meh perhaps

whoa, Z Party!!! all 5 of us will be there?

looks that way

if the weathers above 60 and nice im down for the cruise…idk anyone so i doubt the meet

o crap thats sunday i thought it was saturday…wont be around

:word: to all 5 z’s being there…

and other than the fact that i haven’t gotten rid of the wing yet, it’s a LOT cleaner…been doing lots of interior cosmetic work, pics will be up soon :tup:

im going to be meeting at Mighty and i might have an open seat if any1 wants to ride shotty. just offering it up.

ugh, make it 4 z’s. i forgot im gunna be in cleveland saturday to monday.

:tdown: on me

ill be down for a cruise, the jetta isnt sold yet

I’ll meet up with you guys at mighty and cruise down, idk where taffys is either. I’ll be there around 6:15.

definetly :tdown: :tdown: to you

easiest way for you northtown kids that never venture out past mighty. 290>90>400>union. make a right on to union, then go for about 4 miles. taffys’s is at the big interesection with southwestern blvd(rt. 20)

i say get off at ridge road east(left)…turn right on orchard park road and keep going straight until u run into it

yea but its fun doing 80mph around the exit for the 400

i was planning on taking the transit exit…easier to get into taffy’s that way since i dont have to wait for a light, but can just turn left into the parking lot before where taffy’s actually is…

coming down union dont you have to wait for a light…which can sometimes be long at a 6 way intersection…

the time that it would take you to drive all the way to transit, then to southwestern… you could already be at taffys getting a milkshake

or gut get off at the mile strip exit on the 219 and make a left on south western OR to take a real scenic route get off at william reroute back through to the 190 south then get off at clinton, take seneca to orchard park road to tafys lol

i think i’m gonna get on the 290 at millersport, take it to the 190, then cut through the city on the 198, take that to the end, get on the 33, take that to the end at genesee, take genesee to transit, and go left onto transit, get back on the 90 by that hotel owned by salvatore, take the 90 back to william, get off at william, take left toward union, make a left at union, right onto como, take como back up to transit, make a right, then take transit all the way down from there to the 400, get on the 400, get off at union, then take union to taffy’s…


short cuts FTW