4/30 meet @ Taffy's

lol… dont for get to take the 219 to springville and take 240 back… of course after hitting up zoar valley rd. and east otto rd.

ill be durr… its like 4 or 5 miles from me lol

yeah it’s like 4 or 5 miles from me too…you live down the street, ass…

but, melissa lives by mighty, and i have to pick her up…but it’s ok, i’m getting a cruise in before the meet, and i’m sure there’ll be a cruise that ensues from the meet as well… :tup: to double cruisage

tom says hes probably be there too :tup:

milkshakes :tup:

I will be moving to my new house in Tonawanda tomorrow

about 2 minutes from Mighty, so…

1 - 90NA300ZX
2 - EclipseBlur
3 - Mikes98RT
4 - 93z24
5 - slipstreamxk1
6 - roots
7 - griff
8 - soloIIscoob
9 - 98teg

woot woot, i wanna finally see this turbo teg in action…

i remember when you first got it out and about a few years back, or at least i think it was when you first got it on the road after the turblo went on…but it wasn’t near the beast i’ve heard it has become since then…gonna be a good cruise from mighty it looks like…but that might just mean that the after taffy’s cruise could be a let down lol…

Well i live by mighty and you live by tafys… we could always just pick up each others respective gf’s if you want, as mine lives off of seneca… and i want my sweater back too! LOL i’m just being lazy. I’ll prolly just tell her to meet me there.

ha the sweater that looks like somethin my grandma wears? word, she’ll have it for ya…she actually keeps it handy every time we go to mighty just in case we see you, and no…she hasn’t spilled anything on it YET

Ha shut up that’s one of my favorites! that’s almost as bad as the description melissa gave it, she called it very hobo but atleast she turned around and said she liked it. she was probably just being nice about it!

i guess im lucky in a sense though, you probably wouldnt be able to tell anyway if she did spill anything on that one.

I’m going to make a prediction… one of 2 things will probably happen, she’ll spill something on it that evening, might be the tafys curse lol or she’ll end up borrowing it again haha. Atleast i trust the company it’s in, well unless you start using it for a grease rag after all that’s one of my favorites…

and to go completely off topic, the AE hoodie is still well after “prior” spillage, don’t worry, she washes them so your golden lol.

haha yea that was cool, she even got that other stain out that you had.

props to melissa for an excelent cleaning job on the hoody

see guys I’m not so bad, I even do laundry :wink:

  • Melissa…

but she can’t cook for shit…

  • Andy


another Z dropping out for sunday :frowning:

whats your excuse?

Lol can you cook andy? and Melissa your definately one of the coolest women we’ve had the pleasure to hang out with. It’s hard to find women these days that arent just in it to be attention whores…

I’m Down for the Mighty cruise, what time are we leaving Mighty…?

as previously stated 630ish :stuck_out_tongue: