4 optima yellowtop blems $50 each

ive go some leftover optima yellow tops that i bought at the charlotte autofair 2 years ago. they are cosmetic blems and returns. the guy that sells them is an independent dealer of the blems. he sells prolly 400 of them every year. over the past four years ive bought about a dozen batterys off of him and have no issues. i have a bunch left over from a audio project that im changing gears on. they are unused and theres absolutely nothing wrong with these from a performance standpoint and youre welcome to load test them if youd like!

50 each!

I’ll take two if they are still good

if it fits my tdi i may be interested…

Where are you located?
Might want 2

I’d take one if there are any still available

such a sick deal… i had one of these a long time ago and it was great.

i’d take one too if you have one depending on where you’re located.

Not to shit on a sale, but from everything I’ve read and heard, you want to stick with a VW battery for your TDI. People don’t have a lot of success with others.

will this battery fit on a ka24de or sr20det?

ill take one,pm me where i can meet you if they are still fs


im sry guys ive been out of state in charlotte again. unfortunately they were gone within 20 mins of posting. close er up.

Bump! Stumbled across another :slight_smile:

ill take it! pm me!

still have one fs? if so pm me and ill take it

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ill take it

still got one?? where ya located

nope sold it this afternoon, sry