WTB: Optima Red (or Yellow) top Battery

Like the title says; Where’s the best, and cheapest place to buy Optima batteries? I think a Red top would suit my needs fine but I’d take a Yellow top if the price was right.


i hear costco’s the cheapest…i went to walmart last night a red top is 197 or something and a yellow was 200 and a bit…

i just want to say i have had a red top for 3 or 4 years

its fucking good shit left it out of the car for a year once in cold garage started up the car first try once i put it back in these things are worth the cash

i also need one…cgguy tell me where u get urs … i need one toooo lol

Walmart seems to be the cheapest. Id go there anyways. If you run into any problems you can always bring it back just keep the receipt.

I run a redtop in both cars and they are badass batteries. highly recommended.

hi there i sell
red top and yellow top optimas
as well i sell odessy batteries the odessy batteries are even stonger then the

but more expensive
if you do a bigger order we can possicle do a better price for them

the red top i can do for 197 +shipping and tax

odessy i can sell for 245 +shipping and tax

I would buy the odessy batt guys, I have one in my car. It’s the same as the optima’s but has more power. You will own these batteries for many, many years. May as well spend the 50 bucks more.

Guys I have a Red Top for sale, I am in the states but feel free to contact me and we may be willing to work something out. All contacts:

Email/MSN/Yahoo: MidnightSkyline7@sbcglobal.net
AIM: MidnightSkyline7

Someone should get a group buy going! I would be very interested!