WTT Optima Yellow Top

Hey guys, this may seem stupid to some but…

My car came with an optima yellow top (battery is perfectly fine) top+side post.

Id like to have a red top though (suits the theme of the car better obviously)

Can be side post only or top+side post doesnt matter.

LMK if anyone has one! Thanks

keep the one ya got ,the red top sucks ass man

i had one in the mustang, i did notice that they dont seem to hold a charge as well as the yellow tops.

I just wanted the engine bay to look nicer

put a cover on it ,that will look great

I got a redtop in my bmw side n top post its legit holds a good charge.
Pm me if interested

I got a redtop in my bmw side n top post its legit holds a good charge.
Pm me if interested

the redtops are the cheapest ones out there , they last about 3 yrs tops if that long the yellow is what ya wanna keep man it will treat ya well .besides the car is filthy in the eng bay what is a little yellow gonna hurt lololol

get some yellow engine covers & yellow wheels. bam, more yellow



:rofl nooooo wayyyy

Why would you blow my spot on up the fresh parts !!!???:ninja

Im definitley interested, you want $ for it? Not to sound like a jew but i kinda just want to straight trade.

paulie its a downgrade man , just keep it dude … sorry about the blow up ill edit post

lmao no prob man! yeah i do hear ya, i know the red tops arent as good as the yellow. maybe ill just hold onto it. as you said the engine bay looks like shit anyways, no matter how much i clean her up, it gets filthy in a day

thank you lololol . dude its a battery let it go man .


fuck it

lock it up mods loloololol

i told him the yellow top is better.

get some ABS and make a cover for the battery compartment.

thats a good plan! wanna help? lol




paint the yellow top with rainbow glitter clear