How many boxes you have? Please PM if you prefer. Thanks.
I have 18 boxes of 50. buy them all and I’ll throw in a 3/4 full box for free
Long story short, I was going to get into .40 S&W for one caliber but I’ve decided to go a different route.
I might take if Traders don’t want. Jacketed, right?
FMJ - Full Metal Jacket
interested as well, how many boxes do you have? or did i miss it.
I see later you posted 17 boxes.
Well, the first person to post or PM me with an “I’ll take it.” on any forum has first dibs. I’m going by forum time stamp for said message. So far I have not gotten that.
I’ll take 5 boxes. I don’t have a .40 piece yet so the starter kit might entice me to pick something up in that caliber. LOL
OK. Five are SPF.
13 boxes left.
EDIT: on numbers because I found another full box.
8 boxes left.
10 are SPF currently.
5 Sold
8 Boxes left.
Bump - 8 left.