40" rims..............y0

to tell ya the truth, look at the date on the pic… 2005! and look at the wheel in the realtion to the people standing there… those are not 40 inch wheels…if there was 40’s out for 2 years we woulda seen em by now.

either way they are gay http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/345/kfcjf8.gif

40"? 3’4"? Looks about right.

i didn’t think of it that way… maybe they are then…

Just think… if we could switch to Metric… those rims are over 100cm!!



I saw pictures of that car. It was over in Daytona this past weekend. To each his own. I did a photoshoot with some decent donks for the company I’m working for now.


I’ll post up the shoot after the mag comes out.

good luck with getting tires when you need them




how u suspose to get in that thing lol


Think he can smoke them? :stick:

What a pointless thing, thats a “I did it so I can say I did it” thing

Its sick! Diff colors would make it way better.

That looks Unsafe, at best


01-01-2005 looks like a default date on the camera,