40" rims..............y0

to each their own but a different paint scheme would make it look much better. Its a show car so whatever. I think it looks interesting.

i dont think its street legal though? i thought DOT approved tires is what held wheel sizes in the mid 20s?

I think bumper height in this state would prevent most of this chicanery…unless they slapped a donk body on a truck titled frame.

when will enough be enough seriously

who ever started this trend should be ass raped…

im curious as how the fuck they mounted those tires every tire machine ive ever seen cant go above like 24in tires if that…

I’ll let you know. The company I work for is suppose to be selling 26in wheels shortly.

maybe tire bars like they use on trailer trucks?

thats gay as me

EDIT thanx pewter

wow, and all this time i was only joking about people that rode purple bikes. does kara know about this yet?
