
Is it 288


My chem professer and TA said it’s 2

The answers mother fuckin 2… GOT THAT TWO.

I asked two math teachers and they both said 288.

The reason is because the way the equation is setup.

the equation is set up as





so with order of operations it’s PE -> MD (left to right) -> AS (left to right)

I asked 4 math teachers and they said it was 2.


Where is ob-longed skull petard anyways?

But you can’t

Symbols of grouping can be used to override the usual order of operations. Grouped symbols can be treated as a single expression. Symbols of grouping can be removed using the associative and distributive laws.

give it up man, the way it’s phrased the answer is 288. it’s just a shitty question.

It’s a mother fucking calculator and math was done well before they were around. When done right on paper, spoken out or applied to a real life problem, it’s 2

Your fucking wolfram doesn’t like it when I use the distributive property

Where is your 288 now?

The hell you mean it doesn’t? It says it right there it DOES. Find me a link otherwise that says that assigned numbered to parenthesis are over ruled by pemdas :facepalm

in Russia equation calculates you…

Yeah fuck that logic shit :rofl

Ookie cookie / benny (sean + wayne)

Ookie cookie / benny (bryan)

Ookie cookie / sbardy


eat up jellies.

lolol wtf

Where are you getting halves from if you’re going left to right?


again, you are doing it wrong. read what i wrote.

I didn’t do it wrong

Read the RULE that states that distributive property of multiplication takes preference and gets “assigned” to the parentheses.

Answer my examples above

Some more if you still have some fight in you

Note that different software will process this differently; even different models of Texas Instruments graphing calculators will process this differently. In cases of ambiguity, be very careful of your parentheses, and make your meaning clear. The general consensus among math people is that “multiplication by juxtaposition” (that is, multiplying by just putting things next to each other, rather than using the “×” sign) indicates that the juxtaposed values must be multiplied together before processing other operations. But not all software is programmed this way

2*12 = two times twelve

2(12) = two sets of twelve.

They are NOT the same thing

By NOT writing the “*” between 2 and parenthesis it’s implying the distributive property